Which Stories Drove The Most Engaged Minutes In 2024?
Yet another eventful news year drove an incredible number of articles produced globally, and even more minutes of engagement as readers around the world attempted to keep up. Chartbeat's Most Engaging Stories of 2024 list showcases the top 100 pieces of the year, with many tracking back to key news moments.
- Chartbeat data shows that of the 38 million global pieces of written content it measured, readers were engaged for 204.41 billion minutes over the course of the year.
- While many of the top stories were about expected topics like the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election or the summer assassination attempt on Donald Trump, plenty also touched on other topics and varying levels of domestic (for U.S. audiences) and global tragedy.
- The top story of the year by engaged minutes – perhaps surprisingly – was this CNN piece about the father of a Georgia school shooting suspect being arrested.
Chartbeat's full list, curated from its over 5,000 media partners, is linked here.