TV Ads Fuel Beauty/Grooming Product Discovery For 54% Of Male Consumers
LG Ad Solutions' Beauty & the Screen report from late 2024 reveals some key information on how consumers shop for beauty and grooming products – with some key differentiators between male and female shoppers.
- Overwhelmingly, men reported the top source of discovery for these products was ads on TV (54%), 10 points higher than No. 2 (word of mouth), and LG Ad Solutions notes TV was an even bigger factor for high spenders.
- Word of mouth and social media were significant discovery drivers for both males and females, but more so for women (49% for word of mouth, 47% for social media).
- Interestingly, magazine ads and online subscriptions were only a top source of beauty and grooming product discovery for 16% of females (in both cases), while men discovered new products from those sources at nearly twice that rate.
Download LG Ad Solutions' full report here, and get in touch with an analyst at The Measure today to learn more about how data like this can help your own business.