Pakman Gobbles Up Watch-Time

Pakman’s volume-focused video-sharing helped fuel extensive watch-time across numerous videos. 

Pakman Gobbles Up Watch-Time
YouTube: The David Pakman Show

Progressive commentator David Pakman saw watch-time fly in August 2024, as U.S. YouTube and Facebook audiences tuned into 126% more minutes of The David Pakman Show month-over-month, according to Tubular Labs. Further analysis revealed: 

  • With election season heating up, and a busy summer of news, Pakman’s volume-focused video-sharing – he uploaded nearly 700 videos in August alone – helped fuel extensive watch-time across numerous videos. 
  • While no August upload garnered more than 2.6 million views, over 40 had more than 500K. Pakman’s videos were also more focused on longer formats. Just 29% of his videos were under one minute long, as shorts formats were largely limited to promo clips for longer content.
  • Pakman was the No. 25 U.S. media & entertainment creator across YouTube and Facebook by domestic minutes watched in August, outpacing the NFL, Megyn Kelly, and various news networks. 

With Kamala Harris’s campaign seemingly gaining some momentum over the last couple months, Pakman seems likely to lean into that groundswell of support for the Democratic candidate. Of all of his August uploads, 29% specifically discussed the Vice President.