Olympics Score YouTube Spike For NBC Sports

Olympics Score YouTube Spike For NBC Sports
Photo by Peter Robbins / Unsplash

The Olympics are always big for NBCUniversal, and that goes for double for NBC Sports and its digital properties. On YouTube, specifically, Olympic content fueled more views between July and August than the channel had in all year before that – as data from Tubular Labs shows.

  • Between July and August (so far), NBC Sports has nearly 718 million views on YouTube – compared to 510 million in the six preceding months.
  • During the entire calendar year 2023, NBC Sports had 1.2 billion views on YouTube, and 816 million views through August. They've already bested both marks this year, with football season still on the horizon.
  • NBC Sports' top video through July and August actually wasn't Olympics action at all – it was Beyonce's introduction to Team USA (10.3 million views).