Nielsen/Revry: LGBTQ+ Content Fuels Streaming Loyalty and Usage

Four in five viewers say they're more likely to continue using a streaming service that features LGBTQ+ content.

Nielsen/Revry: LGBTQ+ Content Fuels Streaming Loyalty and Usage
Photo by y y / Unsplash

A recent Nielsen study of Revry viewers reveals that the availability of LGBTQ+ content on streaming platforms not only builds loyalty, it fuels usage and subscriptions. A few highlights from the report, which you can download here

  • An overwhelming majority of surveyed viewers (9 in 10) are very to somewhat likely to search for programming that features LGBTQ+ characters and personalities. 
  • Surveyed viewers cited the availability of stories and themes relevant to their own experiences as the No. 2 most important factor (behind cost) when considering using or subscribing to a streaming service.
  • Only one in four viewers think that FAST platforms in general are investing in LGBTQ+ content. 
  • Four in five viewers agree that they feel more connected to, and are more likely to continue using, a streaming service that features LGBTQ+ content and actively invests in the community.