Netflix’s Password-Sharing Crackdown Prompted Decrease in Earned Media Value

According to an analysis by CreatorIQ, after the policy was implemented, Netflix saw a notable 15% year-over-year decrease in Earned Media Value.

Netflix’s Password-Sharing Crackdown Prompted Decrease in Earned Media Value
Photo by Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

Cracking down on password sharing may have led to an increase in new subscribers for Netflix, but the ban wasn’t all good news: According to an analysis by CreatorIQ, after the policy was implemented in May 2023, Netflix saw a notable 15% year-over-year decrease in Earned Media Value (EMV).

  • The biggest drop occurred between May and July 2023 (-36% decline in EMV), along with decreases in impressions (-48%) and engagements (-46%). 
  • Although Netflix has seen some recovery, its total monthly EMV has yet to exceed its record high of $122.2 million, which it received in January 2023 before the ban. 
  • After instituting similar password-sharing policies, Disney+ and Hulu both saw similar EMV declines of 37% and 20%, respectively, from March to June 2024. 

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