Music Expands NPR's YouTube Audience To Younger Viewers

Music Expands NPR's YouTube Audience To Younger Viewers
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX / Unsplash

Though the majority of NPR's audience skews older – over 50% of YouTube viewrs are over 45 years old, according to Tubular Labs data – NPR Music is an entirely different story. Thanks in large part to its Tiny Desk series, music allows NPR to expand to a separate audience that expands the publication's overall reach.

  • Over 60% of NPR Music's YouTube audience under 34 years old (and over 20% is under 24), which is a stark contrast to the regular NPR audience, where just about 30% are under 34 years old.
  • Tubular notes that NPR Music's audience is also 5% more female than the NPR audience, further growing its footprint and potentially providing new ad and sponsorship opportunities that NPR typically doesn't have.
  • To that end, while NPR audiences are primarily shopping Amazon for product categories like teeth grinding guards (41x more likely), picture frames (37x) and quilting fabric (28x), NPR Music audiences are instead looking for athletic shorts (60x), pop albums (39x) and women's accessories (34x).