Meet Truthset President Chip Russo

We teamed with OpenAP and CIMM at Cannes on this exclusive video featuring Truthset President Chip Russo.

Truthset President Chip Russo speaks with The Measure during Cannes 2024.

Data is everywhere and it can be hard to parse the good from the bad.

That's why we recently caught up with Truthset President Chip Russo to talk about the company's tools for measuring data accuracy, particularly in the areas of identity and demography.

In this exclusive video – with OpenAP and CIMM at Cannes – find out all about Truthset, including its new product Identity+, Russo's thoughts on AI, and more.

Below you will find a condensed transcript of the interview.

Hi, I'm Chip Russo, the president of Truthset. 

What is Truthset?

Truthset is a company that provides a measurement tool for data accuracy. We have a patented process that collects data from the entire industry, allowing us to measure the accuracy of their products. We then create a derivative asset to measure the accuracy of identity and demography.

What are some of the challenges with identity?

The industry is grappling with a host of challenges, primarily centered around identity. There are many ad products with different sizes and audiences, and companies work hard to get the right creative in the right location. However, if you're targeting the wrong person, meaning you don't have the correct identity, then you're trying to solve a problem that's flawed from the start.

What are some solutions?

The solution to identity challenges lies in collaboration. We offer a tool that supports those designing their own identity graph. There are two types of people in this space: those who recognize that identity is an existential problem and those who don't. The major publishers, agencies, and measurement businesses understand the critical importance of knowing the people they are trying to reach. Our business is about presenting opportunities to people, not just devices or screens. That's the essence of identity.

To solve identity issues, it's essential to have your own identity graph. We believe in eliminating the guesswork and having everyone operate from a common understanding of identity accuracy, using the same standards. This ensures we're all talking about the same people and not disputing basic demographics like gender or location. These should be table stakes, set once the identity is correct.

How will AI impact the marketplace?

For me, AI is a tool for efficiency. At Truthset, we've used machine learning from the start to handle massive datasets that would be unmanageable otherwise. While AI may lead to amazing creative advancements, I currently see it as an enhancement to existing business operations. It might drive efficiency, discover new opportunities, and benefit the industry or a company's bottom line, but I see it more as a use case than a foundation for new companies.

What’s the most underrated thing in the market right now?

Identity is an underrated issue that is finally getting the attention it deserves. 

Where do you think data measurement is going in ’24-’25?

Investments are being made to ensure accuracy, enabling brands to better understand their target audiences and ensure their first-party data is correct. When this audience data is shared with a publisher, it should be recognized as the same audience and measured accordingly. A shared understanding of identity and demography can advance measurement at a pace faster than ever before.

Technology has pushed us in this direction. Nielsen's traditional measurement methods were effective for linear media, but today's technology is so advanced that it can outpace brands, publishers, and measurement companies. This can lead to errors and diverge from the original goal of reaching people, not just devices. By investing in identity and improving measurement standards, we can ensure that we're measuring people accurately.

What is Truthset’s ID+?

Identity+ is a new product we've developed to support anyone building an identity graph. It enhances interoperability and increases match rates—not just for the sake of matching, but for ensuring the underlying accuracy of those matches. Typically, building an identity graph involves using multiple providers to supplement your first-party data. Our tool provides insights into the accuracy of each linkage, recognizing that data quality is a spectrum. There are use cases for highly accurate data and others where broader data is needed for scale. Identity Plus helps you build the most accurate and scalable graph possible.