Meet Capgemini's Amy Alba and Daniel Yogesh Pattappa

We recently caught up with Amy Alba and Daniel Yogesh Pattappa from Capgemini.

Capgemini's Daniel Yogesh Pattappa and Amy Alba sit down with The Measure during Cannes 2024.

We recently caught up with Amy Alba and Daniel Yogesh Pattappa from Capgemini. Alba, an executive leading the company's media and entertainment practice, and Yogesh Pattappa, a principal senior executive director representing North America, explain what Capgemini does and how it leverages data and technology to help clients.

Watch the full conversation below, filmed in partnership with and CIMM.

Amy Alba: My name is Amy Alba from Capgemini. I help lead the media and entertainment insights data practice predominantly on advertising and audience monetization.

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: My name is Daniel Yogesh Pattappa with Capgemini. I'm a media leader representing North America. 

The Measure: What is Capgemini?

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: Capgemini is a global leader. It's a consulting firm. If you talk about anything related to inception to delivery, we are involved in the entire lifecycle of software development. But more importantly, we are business outcome partners.

Amy Alba: I was brought on to bring the domain industry business knowledge and try to apply that to our technology solutions. 

The Measure: What are some technology solutions you brought forward? 

Amy Alba: Insights, data measurement, looking at how we can build out different solutions proprietary to our customers or partnering with whatever vendor solution partner that they want us to implement.

The Measure: How Does Capgemini serve its clients?

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: We are thought leaders. We provide them thought leadership and we also tell them right from the stage of creative design, strategy and building up the story around what are the essentials to make sure the dream and the thought leadership to be a reality for our customers.

Amy Alba: So it could be the entire value chain proposition for the media. So the content value chain, the advertising monetization content chain. So building your ad tech stack, looking at your data infrastructure, helping you come up with strategies around that and actually implementing and executing it.

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: One of the key things that I want to supplement what Amy said is an approach towards building strategy on monetization and experience. Like we want to make sure that it is an efficient play and we are driving monetization for our customers and we build a value realization around it to make sure that we are assessing the maturity of the customer and then go through this monetization phase accordingly.

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: Identity is the new currency. If I have to call it out. The way we solve the identity issues is how good are they with the first party data? We assess the maturity of the first party data is really solid. How do we bring that together? And we create a solid data platform and make sure that it is interoperable.

And we also augment it with a third party data set where appropriate. So it matters how good your spine is. As long as the spine is good and you have the right reconciliation partner, you can solve a good amount of identity issues. And finally, what matters is your segments, like how closely you can come up with the minor segmentation and make sure that you are able to appropriately deliver your campaigns.

The Measure: How do you envision AI will impact the industry?

Amy Alba: So we've committed to investing a significant amount of money into AI internally and externally with our partners and clients, and that is where we're helping guide our clients and where they can apply AI throughout that value chain. So especially with ad sales and ad tech, where can you optimize using the data that you have, what additional data would you need to optimize it?

Building machine learning, analytic solutions and helping automate some of that process so you can be more effective and efficient.

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: The interesting thing is how effective the forecasting models can be. We don't want to be just descriptive. We want to be predictive and prescriptive. So that's where we want to see AI leveraged as.

The Measure: How are you helping your clients adapt to the streaming economy?

Amy Alba: We're helping our clients adapt to the streaming economy because a lot of them have added streaming solutions as part of their product offerings. They also have their legacy TV, so we're helping them with the convergence of those two, whether it's combining the ad tech stack or connecting the ad tech stack, helping them with the interoperability of the data between the two so that they can effectively deliver what they promised their customers.

The Measure: What are the most underrated/overrated things in the market right now?

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: Underrated is definitely identity. Overrated is are the specific providers who say that they have measurement solutions. I think we are on a journey. We are evolving, we are maturing and it's continuously improving and I see that we are not there yet. So I think that there are two stages to be attained and I think we all need to work together, collaborate and figure out the right measurement approach for the upcoming year.

Amy Alba: Yeah, I wouldn't say it's overrated. I would say there's better ways for them to come up with a cohesive solution between them.

The Measure: Why are you at a CIMM event?

Amy Alba: This is mainly because our group, Daniel and myself, we're calling ourselves the media transversal. We're transcending all kinds of media, whether it's a social media platform, client or TV network. And all of that comes down to the data and measurement of the audience, and that's how they monetize. So we're helping enable that for them, and it makes sense for us to help with providing insights and thought leadership into this organization to solve a problem.

Daniel Yogesh Pattappa: To me, driving collaboration is one of the key things to achieve success, and I think some event is one of the key things because it is driving collaboration from the industry leaders and from all the top leaders and then bringing it together. And when you have the right idea, you will conceive and then you can bring it to reality.

That's why I see this as a very important event.