Introducing The Stat Line Podcast
Along with daily snackable insights here on The Measure, we're also expanding into podcasts – where we'll be talking to experts around the media and measurement landscape about many of the ideas you're already reading about on the site.
Opening things up is The Stat Line, our new sports media data podcast hosted by myself (John Cassillo), and co-hosts Joey Marcus and Tyler Bobin of iSpot, plus a variety of other guests over time. Our topic for the first episode: The rise of women's basketball, and the Caitlin Clark Effect.

Be sure to grab the RSS feed for The Stat Line to add to your favorite podcast app. Or be sure to check out the podcast directly on Apple, Amazon and Spotify. We're also on YouTube – with a video recording of the podcast coming soon for upcoming episodes.
Give it a listen. And reach out if interested in learning about how you can get involved as a guest or sponsor of The Stat Line.