How Some Super Bowl Ad Celebs Stack Up on Social

The Super Bowl is almost here, but brands have been getting in on the action for weeks now, releasing teasers, extended cuts and the exact ads themselves that will appear in the Big Game. A boatload of those spots feature celebrities of all types, from actors including Aubrey Plaza and Jenna Ortega to sports icons like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Lionel Messi. CreatorIQ took a look at a few of these stars to see how they stack up on social media.
- When it comes to Instagram, two celebs stand out with what CreatorIQ considers “excellent” engagement: Aubrey Plaza (9.8% engagement rate) and Jenna Ortega (6.81%). Plaza appears in Mountain Dew’s spot for Baja Blast (also featuring her Parks and Recreation co-star Nick Offerman, whose lower 3.8% engagement is still considered "excellent"), while Ortega joins Danny Ramirez in “Dina and Mita” from Doritos. Ortega and Ramirez's audiences both skew younger, with over half aged 18-24.
- While many of the stars have the biggest followings on Instagram, for Steve Austin (who sports a lovely mullet in Kawasaki's ad), it's Facebook that dominates with 8.5 million followers, vs. his 6.3 million on Instagram — both with "good" engagement rates. That being said, he's seen a 7% growth in Instagram followers since last fall, while the size of his Facebook audience has remained the same.
- Superstar footballer Lionel Messi (Michelob's "Superior Beach" spot, also featuring Jason Sudeikis and Dan Marino) has one of the biggest audiences: nearly 622 million across social platforms, not exactly a shocker given his global appeal. He's also the only one with the largest audience share that isn't U.S. based — Brazil, India and Argentina are his top three countries.