Haribo's 'Football Chat' Matches Reruns With Positive Purchase Intent
Since debuting during this year's Grammy Awards, Haribo's "Football Chat" has focused primarily on reruns. Since its debut, iSpot data shows that nearly 77% of "Football Chat" impressions have come during rerun programming – led by popular syndicated shows like Friends, NCIS and Everybody Loves Raymond.
The ad isn't just getting significant reach, however. It's also proven to be a hit with audiences.
- iSpot Creative Assessment data shows that the spot's earning 4% more attention than the average candy & gum ad since its debut, and is 5% more likeable.
- It also scored very high for "funny" among those surveyed, which likely helped fuel some significantly positive purchase intent: The ad was one of just five candy & gum ads to debut this year and score a 70% or higher in terms of positive purchase intent.
- The ad was No. 5 by positive purchase intent, and No. 2 by those that said the ad made them "much more" likely to purchase the product (44.3% of responses).
- Haribo's combined the popular and effective ad creative with significant reach to maximize results for "Football Chat." The ad is the most-seen candy & gum ad of the year so far, with double the household TV ad impressions of the next most-seen ad.