Big Screen Brain

Big Screen Brain

On this final episode of Big Data Brains with Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro, Nyma Quidwai goes behind the screen, talking about driving and measuring outcomes on VIZIO’s platform.

You can find the whole series, here.

Evan Shapiro: Hi, this is Evan Shapiro, your Media Cartographer, coming from Cannes Lions. And I'm here with Nyma Quidwai who's the VP of Client Services at VIZIO.

I love to start every conversation with, what do you do? What is the VP of Client Services? 

Nyma Quidwai: Yes, absolutely. We have a very large national ad sales team here at VIZIO. Once we bring on clients, our focus is on client retention, client growth, and providing that white-glove customer service. That's our niche with the Client Services team. We have a large group of account managers dedicated to each client, ensuring we understand their goals in reaching consumers. We work on creating an immersive experience between the brand and the consumer, proving outcomes, and driving results so that clients want to continue investing in the VIZIO audience.

Evan Shapiro: We're moving from an era where we're measuring just reach or demographics to one where we are measuring outcomes at the end. Don't you think that's the ultimate destination we all should be headed for?

Nyma Quidwai: At the end of the day, it comes down to being customer-focused and content-driven. If we're looking to create impactful moments between brands and viewers, we need to provide the measurement behind it to show we did drive the outcome they're looking for. If we have an entertainment brand looking for tune-in, we use our ACR data to validate that we're driving those results. Whether it's box office performances or downloads of a new movie, we're able to provide deterministic data all the way down to site visits. This is just another way we use our ACR data.

Evan Shapiro: That takes a bit of radical collaboration with the agencies, the brands, and the mixing of first-party data so you can get better targets on the front end and measure all the way through to outcomes, right?

Nyma Quidwai: Exactly. Our Client Services team works with our sellers, the agency, and the client to understand the outcomes they're looking to drive. We reverse-engineer the process from there, determining the best ACR segments to target for the campaign. We also do a lot of real-time optimizations. Our team provides real-time enhancements to campaigns, switching out segments if one isn't working, and providing detailed feedback on what worked well and what didn't. Sometimes it's just a matter of switching creative elements for different audiences.

Transcript edited for brevity and clarity.