Ad-Supported Streaming Spurs Stronger Recall Than Video-Sharing Platforms
Digital video ad investments can take a growing number of forms for brands. And while both ad-supported streaming TV and video-sharing platforms both find relative success in terms of brand recall, ad-supported streaming is receiving higher recall according to data from a new Magnite report.
- In "Why Streaming TV is a Must-Buy," Magnite shares that brand recognition hit 89% for streaming TV with ads, versus 78% for video-sharing platforms.
- Aided recall was a little closer, with 73% in favor of streaming TV vs. 68% for video-sharing – but unaided recall was almost a dead-heat between the two options (61% vs. 60%).
- The report also reveals that when consumers saw an ad two or more times on streaming TV, they had 11% higher brand recognition.
As streaming environments continue to grow, it's crucial to stay on top of key trends to optimize advertising approach. Check out Magnite's full report here for more insights, and get in touch with an analyst at The Measure today for a more in-depth discussion.